Prices for our membership plan

We understands that price is important. Here at Dr. I Dental we provide you high quality dental care at an affordable price. We also offer payment plans for those who need it via carecredit. Click on the carecredit link to apply for a payment plan. The following prices are for our membership plan. Many people have lost their dental insurances so we created an affordable plan for then.
Basic Service
Deep Cleaning with anesthesia
$500 ($125 per quad, there are 4 quads)
Full exam, X-rays
Emergency exam + 1 x-ray
Fillings (tooth colored and biocompatible) $100-200 depending on size
Cosmetic Dentistry
Zoom Whitening
Zironica crown (No metal, stonger, biocompatible)
Invisalign (invisable braces)
Veneer (Hollywood smile)
Porcelain veneer $1000 per tooth
Root canal service (endodontics)
Root Canal
$700 - $900 depending on tooth
Oral Surgery
Crown for Implant
Tooth extraction

Removable teeth
Complete denture
Flexi denture
Metal partial denture
Acrylic partial denture
Flipper (2 or less teeth)
Sleep medicine
Snoring treatment (mouth appliance)
Sleep apnea treatment (mouth appliance)
Night guard (to protect from teeth grinding)
Hard $300
Soft $100
Bridge $2000 for 3 unit bridge, additional $750 for each additional unit
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