Cavities Specialist

Dr. I Dental PC

Dentist located in Queens, Elmhurst, NY

Nearly all Americans suffer from some degree of tooth decay, according to the Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics. Thankfully, Emmanuil Ilyayev, DDS, and the team of dental professionals at Dr. I Dental PC in Elmhurst, Queens, in New York City, are highly skilled at treating tooth decay and preventing it from becoming a problem. Dr. I Dental PC is a trusted resource for all of your cavity treatments and procedures. To learn more, schedule an appointment today by calling the office or booking your visit online.

Cavities Q & A

What are cavities?

Cavities are tiny holes that develop in your teeth when tooth decay breaks down your enamel. Cavities are incredibly common, but if left untreated, can lead to more serious complications like an infected tooth and the need for a root canal. In severe cases, cavities can eventually lead to tooth loss.

What causes cavities?

Tooth decay and cavities happen when the sugars and starches in carbohydrates are left to sit on your teeth for too long. If you don’t regularly brush and floss to remove these carbohydrates, the bacteria that are normally found in your mouth begin to feed on them. When these bacteria feed, they make acid as a byproduct. That acid eats away at your tooth’s enamel, eventually causing a hole, or cavity, to form.

How do I know if I have a cavity?

Cavities have different signs and symptoms depending on where they are in your mouth and how advanced they are. Some cavities don’t have any noticeable symptoms until they’ve progressed considerably, and are sometimes only discovered when your dentist takes an X-ray.

If you have a cavity, you might notice the following as the decay gets larger:

  • Spontaneous pain in your tooth
  • Increased sensitivity in your tooth
  • Moderate and sharp pain when you eat or drink something sweet, cold, or hot
  • A visible hole or pit in your tooth
  • Brown, black, or white staining on your tooth’s surface

It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene at home to prevent cavities, and to keep regular cleaning appointments and dental exams with Dr. Ilyayev in order to catch cavities before they have a chance to grow.

How do you treat a cavity?

There are a few different ways to treat a cavity. Dr. Ilyayev will recommend a particular treatment based on the size and location of the cavity.

If your cavity is small enough, Dr. Ilyayev might be able to reverse the decay and restore your enamel by prescribing you professional-grade fluoride treatments. These can include liquids, gels, foams, or varnishes that are brushed onto your teeth or are placed in a small container that fits over your teeth.

If your cavity is slightly more advanced, Dr. Ilyayev will recommend a filling. Fillings are the most common treatment for cavities. Dr. Ilyayev uses a drill to remove the decayed portion of your tooth and then seals off the hole from further damage with a filling material. Filling materials can be made from a number of substances, such as tooth-colored composite resins, porcelain, or dental amalgam.

Don’t wait to treat your cavity. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. I Dental PC and get your smile healthy again! You can book your visit by calling the office or using the convenient online scheduling tool.